Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tornado trouble

Don't know about you, but I hunkered down in a small bathroom under the stairs in my two-story duplex while the tornado sirens were blaring and wind whipped around my building on Wednesday. I live a block off S.H. 51 behind a Mexican restaurant. The TV newscasters were saying the tornado is coming right down Highway 51. I wasn't alone in the bathroom. My two dogs were there too, and I had a portable radio with me in case the TV went off. It did. Stupid satellite TV.
I moved here from Florida last July. I tell you, I prefer hurricanes to tornadoes. Hurricanes give you plenty of warning although they are more fickle about when and where they're coming ashore. If a hurricane was coming, I'd go to the store and buy items for my hurricane survival kit. Food, medicines, money because the ATMs would be down for days, extra cans of gas for the car and generator, batteries, first-aid items, non-perishable food, etc.
Tonight, I'm going out to prepare my tornado survival kit. Many of the same items will be in it.
You know the best part of a hurricane or tornado survival kit. Getting to eat all the stuff in it once the hurricane or tornado season ends. Waste not, want not!

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